When: August 27th at 3pm.Where: Eva’s BackyardFOOD * FUN * FELLOWSHIP Please text/call Eva 304-374-3038 or Facebook message Eva Anderson to RSVP.
Some of your favorite ODBC desserts will be available for auction! Please plan to stay and help the McGalla boys raise funds for a Boy Scout Trip
If you are ages 18 to 35, come and enjoy some Fellowship, games, and snacks. Meet in the fellowship hall. Please text or Facebook message Eva Anderson (304) 374-3038 for more details. Childcare volunteers needed. If you are willing, please contact Eva.
In-person church safety/security preparedness training. This training will teach the church what to do in the event of an emergency situation (like, an active-shooter situation, a shelter in place event, a domestic violence event, etc.) Due to the content of the training, no children under 18 years old. There will be no childcare. Training will…
Chocolate-covered strawberries will be sold for Valentine’s Day to raise money for future missions projects. The price is $15 for a box of 12 assorted strawberries. Orders need to be in by February 7th, and will be ready for pick up at Open Door on Sunday, February 14th. Sign up on the sheet above the…
Clean off your calendar and make plans to come out and support the work of your church. There will be something for everyone to do.
Learn how to prepare and be prepared during perilous and uncertain times. The more prepared you are, the more likely you will be able to handle unexpected situations. Meets in the fellowship hall on Wednesday, August 26 at 7pm.
Look for the Dessert Auction on the church Facebook page, coming soon. Items can be picked up on the 26th. Church Facebook Page